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3 Principles of Great Interior Design

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Here at Zar Custom Homes, we understand that you care about your home, and we want to help you make yours the best it can be. One thing that can really make your home stand out from the crowd is great interior design, but this can be harder to achieve than it sounds. To help you make your home look as beautiful as you want it to, our team has put together this brief introduction to three of the key principles of great interior design–by keeping these three things in mind, you will be able to make smarter choices when it comes to styling your own space.

3 Principles of Great Interior Design

  • Balance. In interior design, balance refers to the distribution of visual elements across the room, and the idea is to place elements in such a way that no one area of the room overwhelms any other. While traditional interior design favors symmetry, it is possible to create asymmetrical designs that still achieve visual balance.
  • Focus. Although you do want your overall composition to be balanced, your space should still have a clear focus or a sense of where the eye is supposed to go. You should choose which architectural or design feature you want to highlight, then use all the other elements to support that focus.
  • Contrast. While all of your interior design elements should work together visually, that doesn’t mean that they all look exactly the same. In order to create interest, you need elements that contrast with one another. For example, you might incorporate contrasting colors into your design (such as black and white) or use contrasting shapes or textures.